The regional field exercise IPA FLOODS - VARAZHDIN 2017 was held

The regional field exercise IPA FLOODS - VARAZHDIN 2017 was held

Created on 12/10/2020
From 9 to 13 October in the city of Varazdin in Croatia was held the Regional Field Exercise IPA FLOODS- VARAZHDIN 2017, where Kosovo was represented by two teams of 10 members for HCP and FC modules. The exercise was organized by the Croatian Civil Defense - DUZS with the aim of testing the functionality and interaction of the multinational Civil Protection modules (CPMs), High Pumping Capacity (HCP) and Barrier Raising (FC).

This exercise concludes the second part of the IPA flood project, which aims to increase the capacity of beneficiary countries in developing an effective national civil protection system and cooperation in flood prevention at regional and European level, as well as the effective implementation of directives. European Union to enable the multinational Civil Protection Module to raise barriers to flood control and high water pumping.

In this IPA FLOODS exercise - VARAZHDIN 2017, more than 500 participants participated: from the beneficiary countries participated the national teams HCP and FC from Albania, Turkey, Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, then two HCP modules from Germany and Italy who assisted the exercise with their experiences, and with the support of the security organs from the state of Croatia

This exercise is also visited by the General Director of AME, Mr. Fadil Kodra, where he closely followed the Regional Field Exercise IPA FLOODS- VARAZHDIN 2017.